Costa Rica Bird Checklist
Costa Rica bird checklist is such a treat! Over 900 species of birds on a tiny territory; the birding hotspots of Costa Rica include 12 ecosystems and it is possible to find the most amazing bird species in this country within relatively short distances. No wonder Costa Rica Bird hotspots are recognized worldwide among birding experts and that bird watching in Costa Rica is considered an outstanding experience.
Download your copy of Costa Rica bird checklist in PDF format – click here to download –
Happy birding!
We’re also sharing our recommendations which Costa Rica bird hotspots are worth visiting once in a lifetime, along with the species you are most likely to see:
Costa Rica Birding Hotspot #1—Carara National Park & Tarcoles River
Carara National Park has the distinction of being the largest transitional forest in Costa Rica and one of the most important wildlife corridors in all of Central and South America. This forest joins the dry tropical forest of the Northern Zone with the lush tropical rainforest of the Southern Zone of Costa Rica.
The result is an amazing variety of birds, reptiles, mammals, insects, trees, and plants. Carara is the home of the most successful Scarlet Macaw rehabilitation program in Costa Rica. Visitors can expect to see the colorful pairs of macaws in the trees and flying above the forest. Taking the trails will yield the opportunity to see antbirds, raptors, trogons, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, wood creepers, and so much more. Keep your eyes open for cats too, as Carara is home to margays and ocelots as well as the very elusive jaguar.
The Tarcoles River: the unique location of the Tarcoles River and its easy and productive birding makes it one of the top bird watching & photography sites in all of Central America. Forming the Northern border of Carara National Park and situated in the transition zone between the Tropical Dry Forest to the North and the Pacific Rainforest to the South, the Tarcoles River is the meeting place for an incredible abundance of bird life. Over 300 species of birds have been observed on the river, including native, migratory and coastal birds.
Carara National Park
- Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
- Chestnut-sided Warbler
- Yellow-throated Vireo
- Ruddy Quail-dove
- Rufous-and-white Wren
- Northern Bentbill
- Black-hooded Antshrike
- Dusky Antbird
- Brown-hooded Parrot
- Scarlet Macaw
- Plain Xenops
- Wedge-billed Woodcreeper
- Masked Tityra
- Northern barred Woodcreeper
- Dot-winged Antwren
- Orange-collared Manakin
- Baird’s Trogon
- Common Tody Flycatcher
- Slate-headed Tody-flycatcher
- Purple-crowned Fairy
- Long-tailed Hermit
- Stripe-throated Hermit
- Turkey, Black and King Vulture
- Streaked Flycatcher
- Cocoa Woodcreeper
- Rufous-breasted Wren
- Black-bellied Wren
- Black-throated Trogon
- Violaceous Trogon
- Black-headed Trogon
- Lineated Woodpecker
- Riverside Wren
Top Species
- Cherrie’s Tanager
- Red-legged Honeycreeper
- Golden-hooded Tanager
- SummerTanager
- Gray-headed Tanager
- White-collared swift
- Boat-billed Flycatcher
- Orange-collared Manakin
- Blue-black Grosbeak
- Variable Seedeater
- Barred Antshrike
- Rose-throated Becard
- Great Tinamou
- White-winged Becard
- Golden-crowned Euphonia
- Black-faced Antthrush
- Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher
- Chestnut-backed Antbird
- Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner
- Plain-capped Starthroat
- Ochraceous Flycatcher
- Fiery-billed Aracari
- Laughing Falcon
- Chestnut-mandibled Toucan
- Ruddy Quail-dove
- White-winged Becard
- Plain-capped Starthroat
- Brown-hooded Parrot
- Crested Guan
- Bright-rumped Attila
- Pale-billed Woodpecker
- Chestnut-collared Swift
of the Area
- Buff-throated Saltator
- Orange-billed Sparrow
- Blue-crowned Manakin
- Amazon Kingfisher
- Gray-necked Wood-rail
- Olive Sparrow
- Worm-eating Warbler
- Kentucky Warbler
- Ovenbird
- Blue-throated Goldentail
- White-shouldered Tanager
- Rufous Piha
- Yellow-olive Flycatcher
- Golden-naped Woodpecker
- Painted Bunting
- Long-billed Gnatwren
- Tawny-crowned Greenlet
- Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher
- Slaty-tailed Trogon
- Muscovy Duck
- Buff-rumped Warbler
- Gray Hawk
- Rufous-tailed Jacamar
- Bay-headed Tanager
- American Pygmy-Kingfisher
- Double-striped Thick-knee
- Rufous-necked Wood-Rail
- Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
- Boat-billed Heron
- Common Black Hawk
- Mangrove Hummingbird
Green and Rufous Kingfisher in Costa Rica – Chloroceryl inda
Costa Rica Bird Checklist for Hotspot #2—San Isidro del General
This intermontane, beautiful valley is just east of the highest peak in Costa Rica, Mt. Chirripo (12,532 ft.). While primarily an agricultural area of the country, visitors will also find numerous groves of secondary forest. Being at the foothills of the Talamanca Mountains provides numerous bird habitats including foothills, middle elevations, tropical and cloud forests. This diversity provides the perfect environment for an extremely wide array of bird species. San Isidro del General was home to the famous Naturalist, Dr. Alexander Skutch. His home, Los Cusingos, still stands and is a wonderful place for birders to visit for bird watching and photography.
San Isidro de General
- Turquoise Cotinga
- Red-capped Manakin
- Blue-crowned Manakin
- Orange-collared Manakins
- Lesson’s Motmot
- Golden-crowned Spadebill
- Scaly-breasted Wren
- Red-crowned Ant-Tanager
- Great Tinamou
- Fiery-billed Aracari
- Riverside Wren
- Rufous-breasted Wren
- Baird’s Trogon
Top Species
- Bicolored Antbird
- Chestnut-backed Antbird
- Common Potoo
- Golden-naped Woodpecker
- Olivaceous Piculet
- Red-crowned Woodpecker
- Ruddy Woodcreeper
- Black-faced Antthrush
- Northern-barred Woodcreeper
- White-crested Coquette
- Bronzy Hermit
- Long-billed Hermit
- Stripe-throated Hermit
of the Area
- Scaly-breasted Hummingbird
- Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet
- Speckled Tanager
- Bay-headed Tanager
- Spot-crowned Euphonia
- Shining Honeycreeper
- Red-legged Honeycreeper
- Green Honeycreeper
- Blue Dacnis
- Silver-throated Tanager
- Scarlet-rumped Tanager
- Gray-headed Tanager
Charming Hummingbird in Costa Rica – Amazilia decora
Costa Rica Birding Hotspot #3— Palo Verde National Park
Palo Verde is a remote national park covering 16,000 hectares of the Pacific Slope of Costa Rica. Located in the province of Guanacaste, the park is a combination of dry tropical forest, marshlands, mangroves, and secondary forest. The park is a very important breeding ground for resident birds and the wintering home of migratory species. The combination of rivers, wetlands, and forest creates an extraordinary habitat for hundreds of species of birds. Palo Verde is also the top spot for seeing the Jabiru Stork.
Palo Verde National Park
- Turquoise-browed Motmot
- White-throated Magpie-jay
- White-fronted Parrot
- Rufous-naped Wrens
- Black-headed Trogon
- Orange-fronted Parakeet
- Yellow-naped Parrot
- Cinnamon Hummingbird
- Brown-crested Flycatcher
- White-winged Dove
- Spot-breasted Oriole
- Streak-backed Orioles
- White-lored Gnatcatcher
- Banded Wren
- Olive Sparrow
- Rufous-capped Warbler
- Long-tailed Manakin
Top Species
- Thicket Tinamou
- Stripe-headed Sparrows
- Common Ground-dove
- Green-breasted Mangos
- Plain-capped Starthroat
- Canivet’s Emerald
- Roadside Hawk
- Gray Hawk
- Snail Kite
- Osprey
- Mangrove Hawk
- Black Hawk
- Cattle Egret
- Snowy Egrets
- Peregrine Falcon
- Little Blue heron
- Tricolored herons
of the Area
- Green herons
- Great Blue herons
- Bare-throated Tiger-herons
- Yellow-crowned Night-herons
- Black-crowned Night-herons
- Boat-billed Flycatcher
- Northern Jacanas
- White Ibis
- Wood Storks
- Limpkins
- Purple Gallinules
- Roseate Spoonbill
- Spotted Sandpiper
- Solitary Sandpiper
- Jabiru Stork
Roseate Spoonbill in Palo Verde – Platalea ajaja
Costa Rica Birding Hotspot #4— La Selva Biological Station
La Selva’s influence on tropical ecology is immeasurable. It serves as a key training and research site for numerous scientists in many fields of study. La Selva Research Station pioneered private forest conservation in Costa Rica, as it was the first of what is now a large network of private forest reserves in the country. It has provided a base for the study of all tropical flora and fauna. The species richness of La Selva is outstanding, with more than 2,077 species of plants; 125 species of mammals (72 of them bats); 470 species of birds; 48 amphibian species; 87 species of reptiles; 45 species of freshwater fish; and tens of thousands of insects, arachnids and other arthropods.
La Selva Biological Station
- Tiny Hawk
- Red-legged Honeycreeper
- Ornate Hawk Eagle
- Yellow-billed Cotinga
- Pied-Puffbird
- Snowy Cotinga
- Three-wattled Bellbird
- Purple-throated Fruit crow
- Uniform Crake
- Russet-naped Wood-Rail
- Green Ibis
- Sungrebe
- Sunbittern
- Great Green Macaw
- Mealy Parrot
- Olive-throated Parakeet
- White-collared Manakin
- Great Tinamou
- Little Tinamou
- Slaty-breasted Tinamou
Top Species
- Slaty-tailed Trogon
- Black-throated Trogon
- Gartered Trogon
- Broad-billed Motmot
- Rufous Motmot
- Blue-chested Hummingbird
- Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer
- Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant
- Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher
- White-ringed Flycatcher
- Brown-capped Tyrannulet
- Fasciated Antshrike
- Great Antshrike
- Dusky Antbird
- Cinnamon Woodpecker
- Chestnut-colored Woodpecker
- Pale-billed Woodpecker
- Olive-backed Quail-Dove
- Great Curassow
- Crested Guan
of the Area
- Pied Puffbird
- White-necked Puffbird
- White-fronted Nunbird
- Black-throated Wren
- Stripe-breasted Wren
- Bay Wren
- Canebrake Wren
- Shining Honeycreeper
- Crimson-collared Tanager
- Plain-colored Tanager
- Red-throated Ant-Tanager
- Dusky-faced Tanager
- Collared Forest-Falcon
- King Vulture
- Middle America Screech-Owl
- Great Potoo, Spectacled Owl
- Crested Owl
- Black-and-white Owl
- Short-tailed Nighthawk
Sunbittern – Eurypyga helias- La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica
Hotspot #5—Talamanca Highlands—San Gerardo de Dota
The Talamanca Mountains are a Tropical Cloud Forest area. Almost three-quarters of all the trees are White Oak. This lush, gorgeous forest is vibrant with bromeliads, mosses, ferns, and orchids. The air plants and epiphytes flourish in this cool, damp climate. With a fantastic combination of highlands, middle elevation, and paramo, the area provides birders and bird photographers a wonderland of species to see and photograph. San Gerardo de Dota is known as the most reliable place in the country to observe the Resplendent Quetzal, probably the most famous bird of Costa Rica and maybe of all of Central America. It is often found feeding in a fruiting wild avocado trees, the Quetzal’s favorite food.
San Gerardo de Dota
- Resplendent Quetzal
- Collared Trogon
- Collared Redstart
- Slate-throated Redstart
- Spangle-cheeked Tanager
- White-winged Tanager
- Golden-browed Chlorophonia
- Emerald-Toucanet
- Silver-throated-Jay
- Azure-hooded Jay
- Buffycrowned WoodPartridge
- Spotted Wood-Quails
- Black Guan
- Flame-throated Warbler
- Silvery-fronted Tapaculo
- Wren thrush
- Streak-breasted Treehunter
- White-throated Mountain-gem
- Lesser Violetear
- Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl
- Chestnut-capped Brush finch
Top Species
- Ochraceous Wren
- Gray-breasted Wood-Wren
- Sooty-capped Chlorospingus
- Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush
- Large-footed Finch
- Buff-fronted Quail-Dove
- Black-cheeked Warbler
- Torrent Tyrannulet
- American Dipper
- Ruddy Treerunner
- Spot-crowned Woodcreeper
- BuffyTufted-cheek
- Ochraceous Pewee
- Tufted Flycatcher
- Black-capped Flycatcher
- Barred Parakeet
- Sulphur-winged Parakeet
- Ornate Hawk-Eagle
- Bat Falcon
- Dusky Nightjar
- Bare-shanked Screech-Owl
of the Area
- Unspotted Saw-whet Owl
- Elegant Euphonia
- Spotted Barbtail
- Brown-billed Scythebill
- Black-breasted Wood-Quail
- Streaked Xenops
- Red-faced Spinetail
- Lineated Foliage-gleaner
- Tropical Parula
- Common Chlorospingus
- Costa Rican Warbler
- Slaty-capped Flycatcher
- Golden-bellied Flycatcher
- White-naped Brush finch
- Zeledon’s Antbird
- Scaled Antpitta,
- Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant
- Highland Tinamou
- Green-fronted Lancebill
Resplendent Quetzal – Pharomachrus mocinno – San Gerardo de Dota
Costa Rica Birding Hotspot #6: Turrialba—Rancho Naturalista
Located on the Caribbean Foothills of the Turrialba Volcano, the private reserve of Rancho Naturalista is a paradise for birders and bird photographers. There are more than 450 different species of birds recorded at the lodge and surrounding forest. A visit here is a combination of enjoying the spectacular feeders from the cozy terrace, exploring the forest trails, visiting the lush gardens (famous for the Snowcap Hummingbird), watching the quiet pools each afternoon as the hummingbirds come to bathe, and checking the quiet river banks for Sunbitterns, dippers, and more. Along with the superb birding at Rancho Naturalista, the area also gives opportunities to visit Cerro El Silencio, Tuis River Valley, La Mina, and Tapanti. All excellent spots for birding and photography.
Rancho Naturalista
- Snowcap Hummingbird
- Tawny-chested Flycatcher
- Purplish-backed Quail-Dove
- White-crowned Manakin
- White-throated Flycatcher
- Black-crested Coquette
- Tawny-throated Leaftosser
- Northern Schiffornis
- Gray-headed Piprites
- Red-fronted Parrotlets
- Black Hawk-Eagle
- Ornate Hawk-Eagle
- Lovely Cotinga
Top Species
- Rufous-browed Tyrannulet
- Rufous-rumped Antwren
- Green-fronted Lancebill
- Sulfur-winged Parakeets
- Strong-billed Woodcreeper
- Black-banded Woodcreeper
- Rufous-breasted Antthrush
- Sharpbill
- Ashy-throated Chlorospingus
- Emerald Tanager
- Speckled Tanager
- Black-and-yellow Tanager
- Torrent Tyrannulet
of the Area
- Buff-rumped Warbler
- Sunbittern
- Lanceolated Monklet
- Azure-hooded Jay
- Spangle-cheeked Tanager
- Buff-rumped Warbler
- American Dipper
- Torrent Tyrannulet
- Green Kingfisher
- Amazon Kingfisher
Snowcap Hummingbird – Microchera albocoronata – Rancho Naturalista
Costa Rica Bird Checklist for Hotspot #7—Boca Tapada
Near the Northern border of Costa Rica and Nicaragua lies the small town of San Carlos. The Laguna del Lagarto Eco-Lodge sits there, in the middle of 1235 acres of pristine tropical rainforest. So far, there have been 350 species of birds logged at and around the lodge. There are 10 kilometers of rainforest trails, hummingbird gardens, a blind to photograph King Vultures, and an excellent photography platform all ready to host avid bird watchers and passionate photographers.
Boca Tapada
- Brown-hooded Parrot
- Orange-chinned Parakeet
- Keel-billed Toucan
- Collared Aracari
- Yellow-throated Toucan
- Montezuma Oropendola
- Black-cowled Oriole
- Red-legged Honeycreeper
- Green Honeycreeper
- Black-cheeked Woodpecker
- Olive-backed Euphonia
- Scarlet-rumped Tanager
- Tawny-faced Quail
Top Species
- Agami Heron
- Uniform Crake
- Green Ibis
- Semiplumbeous Hawk
- Sungrebe
- Olive-backed Quail-Dove
- MiddleAmerican Screech-Owl
- Central American Pygmy-Owl
- Common Potoo
- Pied Puffbird
- Scaly-throated Leaftosser
- Plain-brown Woodcreeper
- Long-tailed Woodcreeper
of the Area
- Black striped Woodcreeper
- Streak-crowned Antvireo
- Checker-throated Antwren
- White-flanked Antwren
- Bare-crowned Antbird
- Gray-headed Piprites
- Speckled Mourner
- Snowy Cotinga
- Tawny-faced Gnatwren
- Nicaraguan Seed-Finch
- King Vulture
King Vulture – Sarcoramphus papa – Boca Tapada Costa Rica
Hotspot #8: Arenal Volcano Area — Arenal Observatory Lodge
The town of La Fortuna is home to the majestic Arenal Volcano. This perfect cone volcano casts an imposing backdrop to the small town and surrounding farmlands. The Caribbean Foothills, with pre-montane forest, primary tropical rainforest, secondary forest, and pasture lands assures that birders and photographers will have an amazing experience observing many bird species and getting the top shots of their trip. A stay at the Arenal Observatory Lodge is a must.
The lodge was formerly the research for The Smithsonian Institute. It now serves as a comfortable lodge for birders, photographers, and nature lovers. With an 870 acre private reserve, guests can expect to see an extremely wide variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, and insects.
Arenal Volcano
- Montezuma Oropendolas
- Hepatic Tanager
- Scarlet-rumped Tanager
- Emerald Tanager
- Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
- Red-legged Honeycreeper
- Shining Honeycreeper
- Green Honeycreeper
- Yellow-throated Euphonia
- Blue-gray Tanager
- Silver-throated Tanager
- Crimson-collared Tanager
- Bay-headed Tanager
- Black-crested Coquette
- Violet-headed Hummingbird
- Magenta-throated Woodstar
- Brown Violetear
- Steely-vented Hummingbird
- Stripe-throated Hermit
- Crested Guan
- Great Curassow
- Keel-billed Toucan
- Yellow-eared Toucanet
- Rufous-winged Tanager
- Emerald Tanager
- Silver-throated Tanager
- Hepatic Tanager
- White-throated Thrush
- Tawny-capped Euphonia
- Masked Tityra
- Black-crowned Tityra
- Lovely Cotinga
Top Species
- Ocellated Antbird
- Bicolored Antbird
- Dull-mantled Antbird
- Spotted Antbird
- Chestnut-backed Antbird,
- Zeledon’s Antbird
- Dusky Antbird
- Nightingale Wren
- Song Wren
- Thicket Antpitta
- Bare-necked Umbrellabird
- Smoky-brown Woodpecker
- Tawny-faced Gnatwren
- Streak-crowned Antvireo
- Black-throated Wren
- Carmiol’s Tanager
- Sharpbill
- Spotted Woodcreeper
- Golden-crowned Warbler
- Orange-bellied Trogon
- Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant
- Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush
- Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer
- Long-billed Hermit
- Ornate Hawk-Eagle
- Black Hawk-Eagle
- White Hawk
- Great Black Hawk
- King Vulture
- Eastern Meadowlark
- Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
- Golden-olive Woodpecker
of the Area
- Black-cheeked Woodpecker
- Brown Jay
- Tropical Pewee
- Brown-hooded Parrot
- Black-cowled Oriole
- Gartered Trogon
- Laughing Falcon
- Thicket Antpitta
- Yellow-billed Cacique
- Long-tailed Tyrant
- Keel-billed Toucan
- White-crowned Parrot
- Crimson-collared Tanager
- White-necked Puffbird
- Gray-headed Chachalaca
- Rufous-tailed Jacamar
- Gartered Trogon
- Black-throated Wren
- Broad-billed Motmot
- Rufous Motmot
- Keel-billed Motmot
- Great Curassow
- Black-headed ody-Flycatcher
- Sepia-capped Flycatcher
- Great Antshrike
- Bare-crowned Antbird
- Chestnut-backed Antbird
- Great Potoo
- White Hawk
- Gray-headed Kite
White Fronted Nunbird – Monasa morphoeus – Arenal Volcano
Hotspot #9: Corcovado National Park—Osa Peninsula
Ranked by National Geographic as one of the top three National Parks of the world and the most biologically intense place on Earth, Corcovado is a nature lovers paradise. The park is comprised of an enormous 103,290 acres (41,800 hectares) that fill up nearly a third of the Osa Peninsula.
Understandably, it’s one of Costa Rica’s premier wildlife viewing destinations, as its rain forests host an unbelievable amount of biodiversity – over 140 species of mammals, including the jaguar and endangered Baird’s tapir, 400 species of birds and 116 species of reptiles. It is one of the few places to see all four species of monkeys that inhabit Costa Rica. For nature lovers, birders and bird photographers, Corcovado is a must visit destination.
Corcovado National Park
- Solitary Eagle
- King Vulture
- Ornate Hawk-Eagle
- Black Hawk-Eagle
- Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager
- Striped Wood hunter
- Charming Hummingbird
- White-crested Coquette
- Gray-headed Tanager
- Marbled Wood-Quail
- Black-bellied Wren
- Riverside Wren
- Black striped Woodcreeper
- Tawny-winged Woodcreeper
- Orange-collared Manakin
- Red-capped Manakin
- White-throated
- Shrike-Tanager
- Red-rumped Woodpecker
- Golden-naped Woodpecker
- Baird’s Trogon
- Band-tailed Barbthroat
- Bronzy Hermit
- White-tipped Sicklebill
- Black-faced Antthrush
- Chestnut-backed Antbird
- Little Tinamou
- Great Tinamou
Top Species
- Great Curassow
- Uniform Crake
- Gray-cowled Wood-Rail
- Blue-headed Parrot
- Brown-throated Parakeet
- Green-breasted Mango
- Striped Cuckoo
- Red-breasted Meadowlark
- Northern Jacana
- Southern Lapwing
- Fiery-billed Aracari
- Yellow-throated Toucan
- Pearl Kite
- Ruddy-breasted Seedeater
- Yellow-bellied Seedeater
- Slate-colored Seedeater
- Collared Forest-Falcon
- King Vulture
- White Hawk
- Common Pauraque
- Spectacled Owl
- Striped Owl
- Common Potoo
- Yellow-billed Cotinga
- Turquoise Cotinga
- Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager
- Spot-crowned Euphonia
- Charming Hummingbird
of the Area
- White-crested Coquette
- Mangrove Hummingbird
- Riverside Wren
- Black-bellied Wren
- Golden-naped Woodpecker
- Orange-collared Manakin
- Scarlet-rumped Tanager
- Black-hooded Antshrike
- Baird’s Trogon
- Little Tinamou
- Marbled Wood-Quail
- Fasciated Tiger-Heron
- Pearl Kite
- Tiny Hawk
- Uniform Crake
- White-throated Crake
- Bronzy Hermit
- Band-tailed Barbthroat
- White-tipped Sicklebill
- Red-rumped Woodpecker
- Long-tailed Woodcreeper
- Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet
- Golden-crowned Spadebill
- Royal Flycatcher
- Rufous Piha
- Yellow-bellied Seedeater
- Ruddy-breasted Seedeater
Yellow-billed Cotinga – Carpodectes antoniae – Corcovado National Park
Costa Rica Bird Checklist for Hotspot #10—Monteverde
Founded in 1972, the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve is among the most famous reserves in the world for its biodiversity, conservation, contributions, and scientific research. This 7,400 acre parcel of land holds 2.5% of the world’s biodiversity, and it is one of the most important private reserves in Costa Rica.
The Monteverde Cloud Forest is set at an elevation of 4724 ft (1440 m) above sea level. At this elevation, the Cloud Forest Reserve, Santa Elena Reserve, and Curi Cancha Reserve attract more than 400 different species of birds.
- Spotted Barbtail
- Three-striped Warbler
- Streak-breasted Treehunter
- Buffy Tufted cheek
- Lineated Foliage-gleaner
- Azure-hooded Jay
- Ruddy Treerunner
- Silvery-fronted Tapaculo
- Spangle-cheeked Tanager
- Golden-browed Chlorophonia
- Red-faced Spinetail
- Buff-fronted Quail-dove
- Three-wattled Bellbird
- Purple-throated Mountain Gem
- Coppery-headed Emerald
Top Species
- Green-crowned Brilliant
- Violet Sabrewing
- Scintillant Hummingbird
- Gray-throated Leaftossers
- Black-breasted Wood-Quail
- Prong-billed Barbets
- Slaty-backed Nightingale Thrushes
- Black-headed Nightingale Thrush
- Resplendent Quetzals
- Orange-bellied Trogon
- Prong-billed Barbet
- Lineated Foliage-gleaner
- Streak-breasted Treehunter
- Tawny-throated Leaftosser
- Gray-throated Leaftosser
of the Area
- Azure-hooded Jay
- Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush
- Costa Rican Warbler
- Golden-browed Chlorophonia
- Chestnut-capped Brush finch
- Black-breasted Wood-Quail
- Buff-fronted Quail-Dove
- Violet Sabrewing
- Coppery-headed Emeralds
- Chiriqui Quail-Dove
- Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush
- Long-tailed Manakin
- Golden-crowned Warbler
- White-eared Ground-Sparrow
Three-wattled bellbird – Procnias tricarunculatus
For more resources on Costa Rica bird checklist, we recommend checking Avibase’s digital database that follows the taxonomic order and nomenclature of Clements, version 2019.
Or wikipedia page, List of birds in Costa Rica, that is maintained on basis of the official bird list published by the Costa Rican Rare Birds and Records Committee of the Asociación Ornitológica de Costa Rica.
About Costa Rica Focus
Costa Rica Focus is a birding tour company that offers customized Costa Rica birdwatching tours for individuals or groups of people and guided by a knowledgeable birding expert who will help you spot and learn about the beauty of the birds of Costa Rica. Let’s talk about your Costa Rica birding vacation!
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